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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Frankenstein Among the Dead!

If you too would like a copy of my play, Frankenstein Among the Dead, for your very own, please follow this link.  You'll love it.

Episode 12: The Horror that Befell the Gibbons Twins Scares Us!

Twins!  Twins!  My obsession with twins, as I referenced in Episode 11, led me to an obsession with ...

... evil Jeannie ...

... Serena ...

... and Cassandra ...

And oh yeah!  I figured out the name of that twin show sitcom from the 1980s!

Double Trouble, with the Sagal twins, Liz and Jean, who played Kate and Allison, which, after I figured it out, I totally remembered their character names.  And it was only one for a single season, so I'm super impressed that I remembered it at all.

But here's the actual focus of our episode ... June and Jennifer Gibbons, the so-called "Silent Twins."

And the book June wrote, The Pepsi-Cola Addict, that I would love to read ...

... and finally, follow this link to learn about a play, Speechless, which addresses the racism that the Gibbons twin faced in their small village in Wales.

Sad.  And spooky.  And sad.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Tragic Tale of the Gibbons Twins Scares Us

Hi Dear Listeners,

Has the first month of the new year been all you wanted it to be?  Valentine's day is just around the corner and we decided to a share a tale of sisterly love tainted by the horrors of the world for this week's episode! 

Join Katya and Laramie as they discuss the sadness that was the relationship of the Gibbons twins.  A truly Gothic tale tainted by the prejudice of people and the sadness that is poorly treated mental illness.  Also, learn about Laramie's new play (more on this coming next episode!).

We love you dear listeners and in all honesty this episode focuses on some heavy topics such as institutional and systemic racism, the horror that was mental health treatment in the 60s, 70s, and 80s and the sad ways in which people deal with the struggles of life.  February is said to be the worst month of the year, so hang in there everyone!


Katya and Laramie

Come listen to the episode