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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Episode 5: Cycle of the Werewolf Scares Us

Here are a few of the Bernie Wrightson illustrations from Stephen King's Cycle of the Werewolf, which Katya and I discuss in Episode 5.  Click on the link to listen!

Above is the illustration for January, the picture I define during the episode as the one that scared the hell out of me the most (they were all pretty freaky, to be honest).  Look at the teeth on that thing!  It's like it's smiling at you .. right before it decapitates your sorry ass!

April:  the chapter that freaked out Ms. Katya so much, and also the one that proves that werewolves are dicks.

August:  this is why the law is so ineffective in Tarker's Mills. Shoddy, shoddy work, Constable Neary.

And December:  werewolf bum.

Ah, heck.  Here's all the illustrations:  enjoy!

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